Sustainable Commodities, Conservation and Collaboration: Katingan Regency Jurisdictional Investment Outlook 2023
The Katingan Regency Investment Outlook 2023 is a tool to promote, inform, and attract domestic and foreign investors to invest in Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia to support green growth, strengthen the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals targets, and improve efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change within the jurisdiction. This document contains the details of investment opportunities for various leading commodities in the district, including palm oil, rattan and non-timber forest products.
In addition, this document is supported by information on the geographical, demographic, and socio-economic conditions, infrastructure support, and policies of the Katingan Regency government to support sustainable investment and highlights why the region is a strategic investment area. This document also guides investors and stakeholders interested in developing sustainable investments using a jurisdictional approach, and highlights blended finance as the most appropriate financing strategy. This Investment Outlook is a living document that develops dynamically, where the Katingan Regency government will update data and information about the investment potential of commodities in this region.