Produce, Conserve, Include Pitchbook: An Overview of Initiatives that Support Corporate Engagement in Mato Grosso, Brazil

Mato Grosso, the agricultural powerhouse in Brazil, produces nearly 30% of the state’s soy and has the largest cattle herd, with more than 30 million cattle. The state is ready for engagement at jurisdictional scale by companies — from 2004 to 2014, the state has demonstrated that it is possible to reduce deforestation while increasing productivity, and in 2015, the Produce, Conserve, Include (PCI) strategy was developed by the government and partners from different sectors.

This pitchbook is developed by PCI Institute and its multi-stakeholder body to provide a “menu” of some of the on-the-ground programs in Mato Grosso that are ripe for corporate engagement. The goal is to make it simple for companies to understand how they can connect their supply chain efforts to the broader Mato Grosso PCI strategy to contribute to its success and achieve their own supply chain goals.

The projects in this book were chosen based on a set of criteria developed by the PCI multistakeholder committee. Each project has committed to supporting the goals of at least two of the pillars of the PCI and has demonstrated commitment to zero illegal deforestation. The projects are already in progress and have the potential for replication across the state.

Produce, Conserve, Include Pitchbook: An Overview of Initiatives that Support Corporate Engagement in Mato Grosso, Brazil

Produce, Conserve, Include Pitchbook: An Overview of Initiatives that Support Corporate Engagement in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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