A Company Roadmap for Effective Company Landscape Action and Claims

This roadmap focuses on how companies can credibly engage in or support landscape and jurisdictional efforts. It is based on a series of joint position papers that aim to provide companies and the organisations that support them with accessible and consistent guidance for effective investment and action in landscapes and jurisdictions.

The roadmap presents similar information in two different ways depending on company needs. First, there are three operational considerations for companies investing in landscape
or jurisdictional initiatives:

  • What constitutes a company action or investment at landscape or jurisdictional scale;
  • What is a company’s role in monitoring the impact of those actions or investments; and
  • How a company can make credible claims about landscape scale actions and their contribution to landscape performance outcomes.

It also supports companies to approach these operational considerations based on the stage of their investment: at the point of making a commitment; to take landscape-scale action; or to achieve performance outcomes. The roadmap is based on two years’ worth of work from the landscape and jurisdictional practitioner community. For an interactive version of this roadmap, visit here.

A Company Roadmap for Effective Company Landscape Action and Claims

A Company Roadmap for Effective Company Landscape Action and Claims


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