Effective Company Claims About Landscape Investments and Actions

Companies talking about their actions and investments at landscape scale in a consistent way will provide clarity and comparability and will help to build trust with stakeholders within and beyond sourcing regions. This position paper sets minimum expectations for information to include in company claims about the investments they are making or the actions they are taking at a landscape scale. These minimum expectations include a description of the landscape action, scale and duration of the investment, the bounded geographic area as well as the timing and duration of the action. It also outlines the supporting information that should be disclosed to strengthen those claims.

This joint position paper is the second in a series of collective positions from the landscape and jurisdictional practitioner community, made up of 18 organisations including the Tropical Forest Alliance, WWF, Earthworm Foundation, and Conservation International. It aims to provide companies and the organisations that support them with accessible and consistent guidance for effective investment and action in landscapes and jurisdictions. The series provides a common baseline set of expectations on which the practitioner community is building more detailed guidance and tools.

You can find the other position papers in this series at the links below:

Effective Company Claims About Landscape Investments and Actions

Effective Company Claims About Landscape Investments and Actions


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