A Company Roadmap for Effective Company Landscape Action and Claims


Landscape and jurisdictional approaches can address critical sustainability issues holistically and at scale. For companies, landscape and jurisdictional action can complement supply-chain action to help ensure future sourcing security and create lasting impact beyond individual supply chains and at scale.

This roadmap focuses on how companies can credibly engage in or support landscape and jurisdictional efforts. It is based on a series of joint position papers from the landscape and jurisdictional practitioner community that aim to provide companies and the organizations that support them with accessible and consistent guidance for effective investment and action in landscapes and jurisdictions.

For more detailed information on each of the key topic areas explored, please refer to the corresponding position paper.

The roadmap presents similar information in two different ways depending on company needs. First, there are three operational considerations for companies investing in landscape or jurisdictional initiatives:

  • What constitutes a company action or investment at landscape or jurisdictional scale;
  • What is a company’s role in monitoring the impact of those actions or investments;
  • How a company can make credible claims about landscape-scale actions and their contribution to landscape performance outcomes.

It also supports companies to approach these operational considerations based on the stage of their investment: at the point of making a commitment; to take landscape-scale action; or to achieve performance outcomes.

Access the roadmap content through either the operational considerations or stage of investment pathways. Additional supporting links to relevant tools and resources can be found in each section.

Overview of operational considerations across commitment, action, and performance stages of landscape investment

Commitment READ MORE Makin g a commitmen t about workin g t o achiev e priorised landscap e o r jurisdiconal scal e outcomes.
Acon READ MORE Takin g specifi c acon s to advanc e o n o r achieve priorise d landscap e or jurisdicona l outcomes.
Performance READ MORE Makin g progres s toward s or achievemen t o f priorised landscap e o r jurisdiconal outcomes.


What constitutes a company landscape investment or action?

Companies invest in tackling sustainability issues both within and beyond their supply chains. For a company investment or action to be considered as contributing to landscape or jurisdictional scale change, the following characteristics need to be in place:

  • Landscape investments and actions address critical sustainability issues in the landscape and contribute to agreed landscape goals.
  • Landscape investments and actions aim to have impacts beyond individual supply chains.


What role should companies play in landscape monitoring?

Landscape monitoring is a shared responsibility that engages companies, local governments, and other stakeholders and is an integral part of any landscape investment. Companies that invest in landscape initiatives have a role in the following monitoring activities:

  • Promoting a collective monitoring framework
  • Establishing a baseline
  • Monitoring activities
  • Monitoring performance
  • Validating or verifying data
  • Sharing data
  • Substantiating claims


What claims can companies make about their landscape investment and contribution to performance outcomes?

Companies can make different claims depending on the stage of their landscape investment: commitment, action, or performance outcomes. For these claims to be credible, key information must be provided in the claim itself and additional information made available to support the claim. Landscape claims can be made as a collective entity or by an individual acting within the collective.

While this roadmap focuses on the operational side (pre-requisites, measurement and claims) of engaging in landscape and jurisdictional approaches, it complements the practical guide for companies on landscape scale action for forests, people and sustainable production from TFA, WWF, and Proforest which explores types of company interventions for landscape and jurisdictional initiatives in different contexts and geographies.

Participating organizations and initiatives

Better Cotton
Climate Focus
Conservation International
EcoAgriculture Partners
Environmental Defense Fund
Gold Standard
Lestari Capital
Tropical Forest Aliance - TFA

With support from:

The development of this webpage was made possible through funding by the Walmart Foundation. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are those of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the funders.

Roadmap development facilitated by: