Support for Jurisdictions in Indonesia and Malaysia to Transition to Sustainability

This study evaluates the interventions or existing support available for jurisdictions to transition to sustainability in Indonesia and Malaysia within oil palm producing landscapes. It analyses any policy, program, or initiative with a stated objective of helping these jurisdictions transition to sustainability. The research identifies what patterns and gaps exist in geographical and thematic foci of the support provided.

The research identifies gaps where more support is required for jurisdictions to transition to sustainability. The findings show that interventions that seek to support smallholders, local communities, and indigenous communities and jurisdictions in transitioning to sustainability need to be expanded in both countries. It also highlights that incentives are needed for smallholders to adopt sustainable practices as well as capacity building targeted at smallholders, regional and local governments to develop sustainable plans and carry out related actions.

This study identifies and documents a total of 143 interventions, including 81 in Indonesia, 53 in Malaysia and ten private sector coalitions or alliances across selected six Indonesian provinces, four Malaysian states and 14 districts in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Support for Jurisdictions in Indonesia and Malaysia to Transition to Sustainability

Support for Jurisdictions in Indonesia and Malaysia to Transition to Sustainability


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