REDD+ Safeguards: Requirements and Guidance From the UNFCCC and Jurisdictional REDD+ Standards
The Jurisdictional REDD+ Safeguards Conformance Assessment Tool-Kit offers a collaborative and robust approach to thoroughly assess the level of conformance of J-REDD programs with the safeguard requirements of relevant Jurisdictional REDD+ standards. This tool-kit is primarily addressed to in-country stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of J-REDD+ programs. This includes civil servants from jurisdictional governments, non-governmental stakeholders, civil society, and representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities.
The tool-kit covers a mapping and assessment of the following elements: the safeguard information system, the J-REDD+ program’s governance arrangements that guarantee the application of UNFCCC REDD+ safeguards, the REDD+ revenue distribution plan or system, the grievance redress mechanisms and the J-REDD+ program’s participatory approaches.
Please refer to the user guide which you can access on the Climate Law and Policy site here to help you navigate the toolkit.