PCI Pitchbook 2023: Projects with Scaling Potential Aligned with the Produce, Conserve, Include Mato-Grosso Strategy
This pitchbook provides an updated list of the projects and actions being implemented in Mato-Gross, Brazil as part of the Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy (PCI Strategy). This document can help companies understand how to connect their efforts with the state’s PCI Strategy, to contribute to its success and achieve their own goals in terms of supply chain action. The document provides visibility for all the projects being developed in the state, and can facilitate the connection and establishment of partnerships between companies that are operating in the state or wish to contribute to the PCI Strategy.
Launched in 2015 during COP 21 in Paris, the PCI Strategy is a jurisdictional approach for the sustainable development of the state of Mato Grosso. It aims to promote socioeconomic development in the territory through sustainable land use, and accommodate growth of agricultural and livestock production in the area through sustainable intensification and the adoption of good practices. Between November 2021 and February 2022, the information in this pitchbook was collected on ongoing actions and projects in the state of Mato Grosso that contribute to the goals of the PCI Strategy. Between September and December 2022, the information was updated and additional projects included.