PCI Pathways: Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy from 2015 to 2022

This publication presents the main achievements of the Produce, Conserve and Include (PCI) initiative, the largest jurisdictional sustainability initiative in Brazil. These achievements include the development of the PCI strategy, establishing a governance structure that includes a board of directors, as well as establishing the PCI pitchbook with more than 36 investment projects. The document also presents the monitoring structure that was set up by the PCI Institute, to allow monitoring and reporting against the initiative’s goals. This strategy document also presents the initiative’s strategic vision up to the year 2030, which were revised in 2021 following a consultation process among its stakeholders.

The PCI seeks to integrate objectives of agriculture, conservation and socio-productive inclusion. The initiative plays a fundamental role in ensuring the State of Mato Grosso can reach its goal of neutrality of emissions of greenhouse gases by 2035. The PCI Institute collaborates with governments and organisations to build a new growth model, that ensures the region can still grow while delivering positive environmental impacts.

PCI Pathways: Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy from 2015 to 2022

PCI Pathways: Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy from 2015 to 2022


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