Model for Data Collection on Plantation Business Conflicts Based on Jurisdictional Approach

The development and management of oil palm plantation business are often confronted with land conflicts. This info brief highlights how two district governments, Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, have made various efforts to solve the issues of plantation business conflicts from prevention efforts to conflict mediation between the parties.

Data is an important basis in handling plantation business conflicts. Therefore, local government should have a data and design system that can detect potential and risks of conflict early on. With the availability of sufficient information, local government is expected to be able to facilitate conflict resolution and provide appropriate access to justice. The collaboration between the Government of the Districts of Seruyan and Kotawaringin Barat and Yayasan Inobu in promoting a data collection system and conflict resolution is carried out through a sustainable palm oil jurisdictional certification approach, and it is expected that multi-stakeholder engagement can help provide complete information to finally find collective solutions to resolve conflicts over plantation business land.

Model for Data Collection on Plantation Business Conflicts Based on Jurisdictional Approach

Model for Data Collection on Plantation Business Conflicts Based on Jurisdictional Approach


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