Mato Grosso PCI Strategy Goals Update: 2030 Vision
This document presents the revised goals for the Produce, Conserve and Include (PCI) initiative, the largest jurisdictional sustainability approach in Brazil. The PCI Institute divides its strategy in three thematic areas, production, conservation and inclusion, and presents 15 new goals that fall under each of the three pillars. These new goals include the socio-productive inclusion of Indigenous peoples in Mato Grosso, establishing a new plan for preventing and controlling forest fires and replacing fossil fuels with biofuels across the region.
The publication also includes details of the state’s new carbon neutrality project, that was launched in October 2021. The carbon neutrality program in the state aims to ensure the region is carbon neutral and free of greenhouse gas emissions by 2035.
Launched in 2015 during the Climate Convention in Paris (COP21), the Produce, Conserve and Include strategy is a jurisdictional approach for the sustainable development of the State of Mato Grosso. Its objective is to promote socioeconomic development in the territory through the sustainable use of land, sustainable intensification and adoption of good agricultural practices.