LTKL Regional Competitiveness Framework
Indonesia’s Sustainable Districts Association Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL), a group of nine districts producing commodities like palm oil, pulp and paper, cocoa, and coffee, has developed the Regional Competitiveness Framework (Kerangka Daya Saing Daerah, or KDSD) as an assessment framework to measure progress to achieve sustainable development at jurisdictional scale.
The framework includes five key components, namely planning and goal setting, economic resilience, social resilience, environment and natural resources development, and incentives, with 18 indicators to measure performance. To ease reporting and align with other national and global processes, KDSD has incorporated indicators from other assessment frameworks, including the Sustainable Development Goals, Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil’s principles and criteria, LandScale, Verified Sourcing Area (now SourceUp), and Terpercaya.
LTKL has also developed a joint reporting template for district members, you can find it here. The association plans to start reporting collectively in 2022 and will review the indicators periodically.