Building Reputation for Jurisdictional REDD+: An Evidence-Led Strategy for Advocates
Jurisdictional Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (JREDD+) programmes have emerged, and increased in popularity, over the last decade as a means of resolving some issues associated with standard REDD+ initiatives. The rise in profile of JREDD+ programmes across the climate change sector has meant there has been an increase in scrutiny directed towards the concept; both positive and negative. This can make it confusing for organisations and advocates looking to support JREDD+ initiatives in their journey towards net-zero or other climate/environmental ambitions.
This World Economic Forum report distils research conducted into JREDD+ programmes and shows how the concept’s reputation has evolved over time. Using this research, the report makes a number of recommendations for those working within the REDD+/JREDD+ sphere on how to communicate and educate effectively when confronted with potential negative narratives. Through an analysis of positive JREDD+ communications, the report also demonstrates how supporting these programmes can positively improve supporter’s reputations.
The report also warns that an enhanced level of media attention and positive/negative scrutiny can cause inaction. With the impacts of the climate crisis accelerating, there is less and less time for inaction and JREDD+ initiatives can be a key tool for people to take action in the global effort to combat the climate crisis.