Aligning Company and Government Action on Deforestation
Based on three years of implementation experience at the landscape level in Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru this document provides concrete examples of how collaboration was fostered
at global/sectoral, national, jurisdictional and production levels to promote alignment in deforestation mitigation actions at scale in the three countries. It synthetises the main lessons learned in supporting such collaborative processes. These lessons learned include the need for neutral facilitation, that transparent communication and awareness raising are essential and that the involvement of all stakeholders is crucial to ensuring a shared vision.
The document goes on to provide recommendations for supply chain companies to engage effectively in collaborative initiatives and to align with producer country-led initiatives. These recommendations are broken down by global and sectoral levels, at the national level and the landscape level. Proforest worked across Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Peru as part of its Production Landscape Programme (PLP) and support from Germany’s International Climate Initiative with an aim to better coordinate and align private companies’ zero deforestation activities with public climate change in-country mitigation programmes.