SourceUp: A New Solution for Supply Chain Sustainability & Landscapes Initiatives
SourceUp helps companies to source large volumes of agricommodities in line with their sustainability commitments at a competitive scale and price. Through SourceUp, entire production areas can be connected to global markets. In these areas, multi-stakeholder coalitions (Compacts) or landscape initiatives agree on a common sustainability agenda. Through SourceUp, they can receive direct support and incentives from global markets for doing so.
Companies can use SourceUp to search for landscape initiatives in key sourcing areas, support the creation of Compacts, or support projects in line with their sustainability commitments. SourceUp will ensure the approach that companies use across regions and commodities is consistent and allowing for a structured participation of local stakeholders. Therefore, SourceUp enables the collaboration between local stakeholders and global buyers, traders and investors that want to address sustainability and social challenges that occur the farm level, and where coordinated action across different supply chains is needed.