Landscape and Jurisdictional Initiatives Map
In recent years, company use of landscape and jurisdictional initiatives (L/JIs) to address sustainability challenges in working landscapes has grown significantly. The number of companies that reported engaging at this scale in CDP’s questionnaires increased from 27 in 2020 to 235 in 2023.
Despite more companies reporting the use of LJIs for sustainable production and meeting multiple nature goals , many of these approaches are still nascent. The Tropical Forest Alliance’s (TFA) Global Study on Company Landscape Engagement found that two-thirds of companies support only one LJI, indicating they are just starting this journey.
A major barrier to companies willing to invest in LJIs is the lack of knowledge about existing initiatives or MSPs with the potential to evolve into LJIs. To help, the present map identifies LJIs using data from our Global Study and CDP disclosures from 2022 and 2023.
The map features:
- LJIs supported by downstream and midstream companies, identified by desk research and CDP disclosure
- LJIs reported by governments through CDP
- MSPs identified by partners that coordinate action and dialogue across landscapes and jurisdictions to achieve shared goals
LJIs and MSPs in the map were identified using the following methodologies:
- Global Study on Company Landscape Engagement – LJIs have been identified using information from desktop research, interviews with over 100 key stakeholders in mid-2023, as well as company submissions to CDP’s forest questionnaire 2022.
- Company submissions through CDP’s Forest Questionnaire in 2022 and 2023 – LJIs have been identified and assessed using CDP’s maturity matrix, developed to assess the credibility/quality of disclosed LJIs.
- States and Regions submissions through CDP’s forest module in 2022 and 2023.
- TFA and CDP information gathering exercise – The MSPs on the map have been provided by partner stakeholders associated to each of the MSPs, collected between February and August 2024.
Although every effort has been made to ensure that this map is accurate, errors may occur. Please get in touch with tfa@weforum.org for any input or feedback on the map.
This map provides a snapshot LJIs and MSPs collected through 2022-2024 and should be used on an as-is basis to help companies interested in these approaches connect with existing LJIs.