Annual Report LTKL 2023-2024

This annual report highlights the progress made by Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) or the Sustainable Districts Association in Indonesia. LTKL is an association of districts that aims to realize the vision of a sustainable economy through multi-stakeholder collaboration. LTKL has nine member districts in six provinces in Indonesia and works with 27 development network partners at the global, national, and regional levels. After completing Phase 1 “Berakar” (growing roots) (2017-2022), LTKL has now entered Phase 2 “Tumbuh” (Growth) (2023-2025), focused on fostering and strengthening institutions, partnerships and foundations.

This report contains the progress of each of the nine member districts in numbers, highlights the capacity building activities designed to support the districts, and provides details on the incentives provided by the national government or funding agencies to promote economic growth aligned with sustainable principles. LTKL districts have a mission to achieve the implementation of a sustainable economy based on five pillars to effectively preserve 50% of forests, peatlands, and other essential ecosystems, and to improve the welfare of 1 million families living around these ecosystems.

Annual Report LTKL 2023-2024

Annual Report LTKL 2023-2024

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