Indonesia’s Sustainable Districts Association LTKL Annual Report 2021/2022
The Annual Report of Indonesia’s Sustainable Districts Association Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) highlighted progress made in the period of 2021/2022. These achievements include the development of multi-stakeholder processes and platforms in seven district members, the implementation of ecological fiscal transfer schemes in three districts, and the use of a shared reporting framework by two members.
The report also includes brief description of LTKL’s nine members, including their forest and peat areas, and potential commodities identified for sustainable production. LTKL’s vision is to implement sustainable development at district level to support the national priorities, and its mission is to protect environmental functions while growing prosperity in the member districts.
Over the period of 2022/2023, LTKL will focus on building “blueprints” for its members to develop and implement jurisdictional sustainability pillars, namely policies, development plans, multi-stakeholder processes, communications, and collective action, investment, and innovation.
In its annual meeting in July 2022, LTKL established five working groups comprising district members and LTKL partners, including civil society organisations (CSOs) and companies, to develop these blueprints. LTKL also aims to link incentives to initiatives in the districts and monitor their progress through its gotong royong (collaboration) database and map.