Strategy for Collective Action in Production Landscapes
The Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition of Action aims to use JA and landscape approaches to bring about positive environmental and social impacts, including conservation, restoration, and improving local livelihoods, beyond their supply chains and at scale by collaborating and innovating with other stakeholders. Underpinning the actions of the Coalition is the new Theory of Change; this reimagining of the strategy – based on extensive consultation – is also supported by a Coalition Charter and will help Coalition members drive more impactful collaborations. There are 4 elements of the new strategy: moving from deforestation-free to forest positive businesses; from commitments to action; from own supply to suppliers and landscapes; and maximising collective impact through Coalition-wide Actions.
This strategy document also gives an overview of the four commodity roadmaps for: palm oil, soy, paper, pulp and fibrebased packaging (PPP), and beef. Furthermore, readers will have an introduction to landscape engagement, as engagement in production landscapes is embedded as Element 4 in the Coalition’s Commodity Roadmaps. Finally, the key components of the strategy for collective action in production landscapes is discussed in detail, including the ambitions and goals for the future.
This document has been updated with minor changes on the previous version, that was published in Nov. 2021.